The Relevance of Repeating Numbers

The Relevance of Repeating Numbers 

We have all looked at the clock and seen repeating numbers before, maybe it's 11:11 and you've made a wish, I often do. However, this is a list I have compiled of what seeing each number means. 

Number 1: New beginnings, so focus on the positives in your life. Clean up and take time to organise your thoughts. 

Number 2: Trust and patience are important right now. Healthy boundaries and love are required to move forward. 

Number 3: Communication is important as well as self-expression and emotional sensitivity. Take pleasure in the joy in your life. 

Number 4: Relationships are blossoming and promoting perfect balance. Hard work is impreative to achieve your goals, do not feel closed in by your lifes restrictions. 

Number 5: Change is coming and it will better your life so embrace the change let go of the old and enjoy the new. 

Number 6: You may feel anxiety when you see the number 6 but in fact it isn't anything to worry about. It is the number of guidance, service and love. 

Number 7: Seven is a well known lucky number. Whenever you see the number 7 you are being told that you are on the right path in your life. 

Number 8: Eight has a connection towards money, power and infinity. Your opportunities are endless.

Number 9: It is important to ensure loose ends are tied as Nine is all about completions and saying goodbye to the old and moving forward in your life. It is important to ensure loose ends are tied as Nine is all about completions. 
